Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Church Move

Good morning Breakthrough Church! As you all know, our lease has expired at the current location. We know that God has much in store for us and we want to be prepared in every way including financially for our next step. Instead of continuing to pay the large lease payments each month, we will be moving to our new building by the end of this month, February. Our new church home is located on the property adjacent to Pastor Jason & Andrea's new home.

To prepare for this big move we need your help with the following:

  1. We need someone to volunteer to take on the upright piano and big TV currently stored at the church. If you can get it on Craig's list, the Freebies, etc. We would like to be paid for them, but at this point, we need them out. This process can start right away.
  2. We will need help packing up and moving things out & into the new building.
  3. After everything is moved out, we will need much help cleaning the current space to ensure our security deposit.
  4. Work nights at the church will be planned soon. Please be ready to help out as much as you can.

The list may get longer as we approach our move date. As you can see much is on the horizon. As part of the church family, we need you to help get this accomplished. It will take all of us. Thank you for your prayers as we move further into the will and heart of God for Breakthrough Church.

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