Monday, January 26, 2009

New Garage Sale Details

As you know, we have the garage sale on Saturday the 31st of January from 8 AM to 1 PM.

Jeannita needs help on Saturday, but will also need help setting up Wednesday through Friday (6-7 PM) when we'll be receiving what you bring. You can either do 30 minute slots , 1 hr slots or as much as you can. We'll also need some help in breaking down and getting whatever doesn't sell to donation centers.

Please let her know what time and days you can help (email her here or leave a message in the comments), then she'lll send out an email with a schedule.

If you can’t get your donations there until Saturday, please let us know.

Be praying that our $1000.00 will come in for the children’s ministry and other outreaches we're stepping into.

Lastly, get the word out! Invite friends, coworkers, or whoever and get involved in the helping! Thank you for being such a wonderful church family.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Church Garage Sale

Just throwing out a few details, but everyone should get an email from Jeannita about all this and how you can get involved, what is needed, etc.

First, I have a flyer that you can print and any help you can give by placing them around town would be much appreciated (click here for the flyer). I'll also have some on Sunday that you can take and put up so if you can't print one, no problem.

The garage sale is Saturday, 1/31 from 8 -1 PM. We'll be taking donations either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday night from 6-7 PM. If there's absolutely no way for you to get something to the church, leave us a comment here or talk to Jeannita.

Be praying that this goes extremely well so that we can really advance in our children's ministry (which is where the funds will go).

Thanks again and like I said, this is to put it on your radar again but you should be getting an email soon with more.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Daymond's Birthday Party

Hello! Jenny asked me to pass along this invite to all our church family so here it is,

Everyone is invited to come help the Geary Family celebrate Daymond’s 51st birthday

At Our Back Yard, Friday, January 16 from 5:00PM – 7:00PM.

Bring a snack to share and some table games to play. While the kids run and play on the fabulous toys, the adults and whoever wants will play table games, catch up on old news, and have a great fellowship time surrounded by food, laughs and friends.

We sure hope to see you this Friday for a fantastic party!

Jenny and family