Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prayer for Daymond -11/13/08

Some may have received an email last night as Jenny fired a very quick one to whoever she could get in the "to" line, but Daymond was taken to the ER yesterday as they were concerned about his heart. They gave him a prescription for what they saw, but today he is heading back because of some chest pains.
  • Please pray for divine healing in Daymond's body and strength for his heart
  • Pray for wisdom for the doctors seeing him
  • Also pray for great peace and strength for Jenny
Thank you all for your faith and standing--Blessings to you. I will keep you updated here with anything I find out.

Update: Daymond is going home and his heart is pumping at 65% which is a vast improvement from his ER visit from a while ago. There is no congestive heart failure. Doctors don't know why everything looks so good, but God is great! Thank you for praying!

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Movie You Should Know about -11/10/08

I forgot to add this last week, but there is a movie called, Fireproof, that has come to Juneau as of last Friday. I actually added a link to a story about it a couple of weeks ago, and it is truly remarkable.

The movie was made by the same people who did Facing the Giants and they see this as their ministry. So far it's being very effective and touching a lot of lives so I wanted to let you know this was here because it's certainly good to support art that stands up for marriage and faith. Besides all that, I hear it's just a great movie so you should enjoy it!

Here's a link to the movie website and you can find out more and even watch the trailer. If you want to check out local times, check the theater schedule here. Thanks to Tracy for making sure churches around town had all the information!

If you've seen the movie already, leave a note in the comments about what you thought.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Don't Forget to Vote!

Tomorrow is election day so don't forget to vote and please don't forget to pray for these elections. These are important times and we need to make our decisions prayerfully, lifting up our nation in prayer as well.

As responsible Christians, we participate in the process and believe God for blessings and righteousness. So whoever you're voting for, get out there tomorrow (or early by absentee) and vote!