Wednesday, March 31, 2010

this weekend at breakthrough

Good morning Breakthrough Family! The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad! We are moved out of our former location and are awaiting our entrance into our new building the Lord has given to us. Thank you to everyone who helped with packing and moving and loading on Sunday afternoon. We could not have done it without you! Here's what's happening over the next few days:

Pastor Jason and Andrea are extending a personal invitation to anyone who has carpentry inclinations or skills. If you can give only an hour, that would be a great help to Tim & Pastor Daymond who are working at the building everyday from 8:00am - 4:30pm. Currently, they are framing in doors and getting ready for drywall. Thank you for whatever you can do.

Tonite, April 1 - 6pm - we will meet to have dinner and pray together. Please bring a dish to help with the meal.

Good Friday night - 7:00pm - Communion service - Please come out as we worship together in commemorating the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This will be our first gathering as a church in the new building, so please be there, you don't want to miss it!

Saturday, April 3 - Stay tuned for instructions for this day.

Resurrection Sunday, April 4 - 10:30am morning worship service. Following service we will have Easter potluck lunch. Please email Sherry with what you will bring to help with Sunday's meal. We will also celebrate April birthdays during lunch. Immediately after lunch, the children will have their annual egg hunt. If you have not contributed to the egg hunt, It's not too late. Please bring your eggs already filled on Sunday ready for the hunt.

As you can see there's lots going on and a lot of work to do to be prepared for this awesome weekend God has given to us. Be determined this weekend to be a part of these family events and activities and work schedules.

May you experience the awesome power and amazing love as we celebrate this resurrection season. See you very soon!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Action Sunday

This Sunday coming March 28 is Action Sunday at Breakthrough Church. We will have an abbreviated service (shorter than normal) beginning at 10:30am. Then we will have lunch together. Details to follow about lunch. Following lunch we will get to work, packing up and moving all of our church belongings into the moving container. So, please come dressed comfortably and ready to loan your muscles to ensure that we can get packed, moved, cleaned and out. The more hands and backs we have, the quicker we can get it all done. Thank you for preparing to be a part of this Breakthrough family event. He is doing great things for us! May He richly bless your week!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Your reminder

Here's your reminder of our church work night on tomorrow night March 18th. Please refer to yesterday's post or go to the church's website for details.

Also for tomorrow night - Pastor Jason and Andrea's 11th wedding anniversary on this Saturday, March 20th. How we bless the Lord and rejoice with them as they celebrate their special day. You are invited to bring cards and/or gifts or whatever you choose to do to bless them on tomorrow night. Let's come have pizza & fellowship, bless our leaders and get to work! See you tomorrow night!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thursday Bible Study in Action

Thursday night is an action night! You are encouraged to come join your Breakthrough family on this Thursday evening, March 18 at 6:00pm at the church for dinner and work night. The plan is to have pizza dinner, then get going on packing and moving non essentials. Bring the whole family. The more people who comes, the quicker we can get things done. This is what is needed for the evening:

  • Please bring a bag or two of small wrapped candy. While the adults are working, the kids can be busy stuffing eggs. We have a large trash bag of empty eggs that needs to be filled.

  • Please bring a donation towards the purchase of the pizza.

  • If someone would like to bring cookies or some kind of dessert, that would be great.

  • A cooler will be ready, waiting for drinks if someone can bring some.

There is a time for everything. Times to receive and times to work--this is our church and we need everyone to pitch in get to work! May He bless your week! See you on Thursday night!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good morning Breakthrough family! Here's our announcements for this week:

  • Volunteers are needed as we prepare for the church move coming up at the end of the month. Anyone who is willing to do anything, please let us know. Some of those things include boxing up, moving stuff, cleaning, unpacking, setting up and the list goes on. Also needed during this season are financial blessings. Please pray with us as we plan one or more fundraisers in the very near future. This move is huge and we need you Breakthrough to pray about how you can be involved.
  • As announced on Sunday, we will hold our first service in the new building on Good Friday with a Communion Service. More details to follow.
  • A sign up list has gone out for those who would like to participate in blessing Tim & Meghan over the next days with dinner. Thank you for blessing this family!
  • Pastor Jason has directed us as a church to read Matthew chapters 5 -7 over and over during the month of March. If you haven't started yet, get going on this, you'll be so blessed.
  • Daylight saving time is this weekend. Don't forget to set your clocks forward by an hour before going to bed on this Saturday night. If you forget, you'll be late for church on Sunday!

Looking ahead & mark your calendars:

  • Healing classes March 26-27 at the Centennial Hall, sponsored by River of Glory Church. More details to follow.
  • PFD application deadline is near. Sign up if you have not done so. We are so very blessed to live in a state that bless us in this manner each year!
  • Easter Sunday in April 4th. Our traditional egg hunt is being planned. See Andrea about how you can help with is project. Much more will be happening that weekend, more details to come.

That's all for now. Have a wonderful weekend basking in the knowledge that He sees all, He knows all and HE IS ALL.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thursday night dinner & bible study

Good morning Breakthrough family! Our prayer is that you are having a wonderfully blessed week.

Here's your reminder of tomorrow night's dinner and bible study at Pastor Jason & Andrea's home, 789-2634. A baked potato bar is planned for dinner. Potatoes & chili are spoken for. Please bring brocolli, chives, sour cream, bacon bits, butter, cheese or anything else you can think of for a complete meal. Those potatoes are gonna be good, for they've been on for awhile! But even better will be the awesome fellowship and our time in the word. God bless you richly and see you tomorrow night!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thursday night dinner & bible study

Tonight's dinner & bible study is canceled. Alicia is seriously ill with a potentially contagious condition. Thank you for praying for Alicia that God would touch her mightily with a speedy healing. Please also pray for Andrea that she would be able to work out everything for a sub for her students, so that she is able to be at home to care for Alicia. So, keep those 'tatoes & fixins' on simmer and we'll see you next week!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

From Pastor Jason

Happy Wednesday morning Breakthrough family,

Pastor Jason is challenging us as a church to read the Sermon on the Mount from the book of Matthew chapters 5 - 7, throughout the month of March. Whether your read a chapter a day or the whole passage at once, he challenges us to read it, keep reading it and if you're just hearing of this, get started reading.

Pastor Jason leaves this morning at 7:50am and doesn't arrive in OKC until 11pm tonight. This makes for a very long day, so please pray God's strength for him as he travels today and that the anointing that breaks bondages and sets hearts free would flow so freely as he leads the people of God in worship during the conference this weekend.

Remember to pray for Andrea while she's here alone taking care of the kids, the home, the church and so many other responsibilities.

This is your reminder of dinner & bible study tomorrow night, 3/4 at 6pm at Pastor Jason & Andrea's home. We will have a baked potato bar for dinner. Potatoes & chili is already being brought. Please bring other items to help complete the meal. God bless your day & see you tomorrow night!