Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday Fun Night- Get the Word out!

Good afternoon,

I hope you’re having a wonderful day—living the extraordinary!

I just wanted to remind you again to give out those tickets for Friday night. It’s going to be a great, fun time of free food, games, prizes, and a movie (Bedtime Stories, which if you haven’t seen is pretty funny). This is another opportunity to show our neighbors, friends, co-workers, or whoever you invite that God loves them and we as a church care for our community.

Think about it for a minute, then call, email, or visit some people who would be interested in coming. If you need more tickets, let me know and we’ll get them to you or you can pick them up. Also remember that they don’t need to get in, but the number on their ticket will be used for door prizes and is also a great way of reminding them of the specifics.

I’m going to bring some doughnuts or muffins to work (food always brings people out of the woodwork), then I’m going to make a little sign with the tickets sitting there for anyone who wants to take them. You could try something like that if you like!

The point is just to get them out there. We have an opportunity to show love and have some fun doing it. Soon you’ll be getting another email so you’ll know what’s needed and how you can help with this.

Thank you for being such a wonderful church family and thank you for praying for the event so that families are touched. Let me know if you have any questions or comments at all.

Multiplied blessings,

Jason ( -321-5646)

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