Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prayer for Daymond -11/13/08

Some may have received an email last night as Jenny fired a very quick one to whoever she could get in the "to" line, but Daymond was taken to the ER yesterday as they were concerned about his heart. They gave him a prescription for what they saw, but today he is heading back because of some chest pains.
  • Please pray for divine healing in Daymond's body and strength for his heart
  • Pray for wisdom for the doctors seeing him
  • Also pray for great peace and strength for Jenny
Thank you all for your faith and standing--Blessings to you. I will keep you updated here with anything I find out.

Update: Daymond is going home and his heart is pumping at 65% which is a vast improvement from his ER visit from a while ago. There is no congestive heart failure. Doctors don't know why everything looks so good, but God is great! Thank you for praying!

1 comment:

  1. We rejoice with the family at the miracle that God is doing in Daymond. We will continue praying for healing in full!
