Thursday, August 5, 2010

A note from Andrew

Good morning Breakthrough family,

It's so easy to have feelings of despair and desperation in times like now. Considering the incredible battle Shelly went through on July 13 and 14, it looked very bad. She was given a 30% chance of survival but on the fourteenth they doubled her odds of survival to 60%.

Now we are again facing another hospital stay and the unsure nature of infirmity. If it weren't for my faith and my friends and family, I would shrivel into a shell of a man. HOWEVER, I serve a Mighty God, the creator of all things! Our compassionate Lord went to the cross and defeated death and atoned for our sins as the perfect sacrifice.

Therefore, I don't feel disparate or desperate, I feel compelled to fall on my knees and worship the one true God, the giver of life. He alone knows more than any man can ever conjure. He alone knows how we are made in His likeness. God knows what is wrong with Shelly and can restore her.

For those believers (and non-believers) out there, you saw the awesome healing power of God when Shelly beat the odds last month, so I ask you to unite with me in spirit and lift her up again. May God richly bless you for your faithfulness.

If you read this and don't know Christ as your personal savior, find a quiet place and take a moment and ask Him into your heart. I am not promising you any smooth sailing or a trouble-free life. I can assure you though, you will find a peace never before experienced, especially in troubled times. I am so grateful for God's grace and mercy. He truly does help me in times such as this.

Your brother,
Andrew J Hohenthaner

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